Do you have any known, proven haunted houses in your town?
doubt it.
When was the last time you cussed someone out:
never cussed anyone out, not a cusser, not a voice-raiser.
Do you think Mel Gibson should make a movie called 'The Passion of Mohammad'?
sure. unless Mohammad wasn't passionate. (and I don't mean like that, you perv!)
Would you rather spend money on war, or feeding the starving?
feeding the starving. pinochle would be a better use of money than war.
When your pants are too long for you, do you take them to a tailor to have them taken up, or do you just roll up the cuffs?
I don't buy pants that are too long, if I ever did, I'd tailor them.
Do you feel it is better to burn out than to fade away?
hmmm... I am guessing we're talking about going out with a bang than a whimper? ifso, I'd rather bang.
Do you think that everyone in the world is prejudice in one way or another?
basically, no one completely understands everyone else.
Do you ever type in alternating capital and lowercase letters?
Would you trust Ann Coulter more or less if she was less good looking?
what? that's implying I trust her...and that she's good looking...
Were you offended by Prince Harry recently wearing a fake Nazi uniform to a private costume party?
yes--but let's not blow it out of proportion.
Is black nail polish simply a color, or a statement of individuality?
Do you own any 'granny' underwear?
*blush* yeah.
Does your favorite movie have a male or female protagonist?
Do we only die because we accept death as an inevitability?
no. we burn out/fade away
Is it embarrassing to buy pads/tampons?
Do you believe in vampires?
Do you or does anyone you know have gray eyes?
I've had students with them.
Do you know how to whistle?
oh yeah... I believe it's a lost art.
Is Hollywood too skinny?
too skinny.
Did Romeo really love Juliet?
Were the events of 9/11 more or less traumatic than the assassination of JFK?
more or less... hard to say because I didn't experience JFK, I've only studied it.
Is it really so wrong to kiss your pet on the lips?
no, not really. Unless you're talking a make-out session...that's weird, perv.
Do you think teenagers have an unjustified lack of respect for the police?
hahaha. i love the police.
Do you REALLY fear God?
i fear organized religion.
Do you think intelligent people are a minority?
ha...everyone has intelligence in something.
Do you often practice what you preach?
I try to.
Should the Democratic Party dissolve itself?
no... what would be interesting would be another major political party, there really isn't much difference between Dems & Reps.
Is smoking weed acceptable, or just another way to escape?
it's just a way to escape... but legalizing and regulating the heck out of it might not be a bad thing.
Do you feel uncomfortable sharing drinks with other people?
yes and no.
Are you drawn to people with psychological problems?
Do you want to be abducted by aliens?
no thanks. implying I believe in aliens...
Do you have a fear of going to court?
not a fear necessarily but it sure makes me anxious. especially when under subpoena.
Do you think there are a lot of differences between American residents and British residents?
oh yeah, and that's not necessarily a bad thing, just different.
Do you think it is strange to see a woman who is a die-hard NASCAR fan?
yes. it's just... odd.
Should indigo be a color of the rainbow?
isn't it?
Would you marry for fame?
only George--although I would be marrying for love.
Do you prefer wood floors or carpet?
NICE wood floors.
Do you think animals are capable of deeper thought?
well... deep thought, I suppose they have their own philosophy, their own mode of thinking?
Do you think most women are feminists these days?
sadly, most probably don't know what it means, or what it does.
What are better: contacts or glasses?
oh, my glasses are cool.
Do you ever have the urge to pull out your hair?
Does your computer attempt to eat your soul?
yes--well, it occasionally acts funky and drives me to distraction.
Do you care if people take offense to your entires?
Do you think Abercrombie & Fitch is over-priced?
Are insane asylums more creepy or helpful?
creepily helpful.
Is it possible to hate a group you belong to?
Do you think Disney World is a trap led by a mouse?
I don't even understand this...
Would you marry someone even if they weren't romantic?
Do you think it is right for religions to criticize other religions?
Do you think that crying is what makes us human?
partly, yes.
When chewing gum, can you blow a bubble?
Do you have a celebrity crush?
who, me???
If George W. Bush came to visit your town, would you go see him?
Do you have patience with children?
Do you like Gwen Stefani better in No Doubt, or as a solo artist?
uh... they're about the same, I guess.
Has anyone ever told you that you look like a whore?
ha! no.
Do you have a good luck charm?
What is the better cartoon: Spongebob or Scooby Doo?
uhmmm... I grew up with Scooby and I loved it then.
Men: Boxers or Briefs?
boxer briefs, babe... but seriously, what difference is it to me?
Women: Underwire or not?
Do you own a thong?
sandals, yes.
When you sing, do you use your hands?
depends... choral singing not so much.
Is your best friend less than a year apart from your own age?
Are you a salt or sugar person?
well, I've been told I am sweet, but occasionally I can be salty.
Are you a noisy chewer?
in my head my crunching is LOUD.
Do you get annoyed when you see other teenagers driving nice, new, expensive cars?
only because they are living in a land of entitlement with no clear concept of debt.
Would you rather be in love, or have a lot of friends?
uhmmm... wow... toughie
Is lunch the best part of school for you?
Was the Cheshire Cat secretly laughing at Alice and purposely misleading her subsequently allowing her to go to the queen to nearly get her head whacked off?
Are you sorry to see Colin Powell go?
yes, very.
Do you remember when swearing was considerably wrong?
Do you prefer questions about religion or politics?
oh, both are fun to discuss.
Do you have a tire swing?
Do you have a secret identity?
not so much.
Do you think Bill Cosby is racist?
not really.
Are crazy people a barrel of fun?
Do your friends make fun of your religion or your beliefs?
no. most don't really pay attention to me.
Do you have a light switch that glows when it is off?
Would you ever date someone you used to babysit?
Are you a land lover or a water baby?
wow, that's tough... I love looking at water but don't like to be in or on it.
Do you think that smoking should be banned from public places?
Do you feel that one day the clouds will part and it will be your time to shine?
no, I don't need clouds to part to shine.
Which mountain range - the Appalachians or the Rockies?
mountains are mountains.
Do you feel sorry for president Bush, since he is one of the most ridiculed world leaders ever?
absolutely not.
Do you consider the major religions to be in competition with each other?
Is hiding the truth the same thing as telling a lie?
in some cases.
Do you feel pretty, witty, and gay right now?
oh yes, but it could be a caffeine rush.
Did you know the alphabet before you went to school?
oh yeah, I was able to read, too--but I could not tie my shoes. go figure!
Would you support a Constitutional Amendment allowing foreign-born citizens to run for president, just so Arnold Schwarzenegger has a chance?
Does the concept of aliens and UFOs frighten you?
no, it amuses me more than anything.
Can watching sports become a sickness?
well... too much of anything can be bad.
Do you think conservatives and liberals are becoming less tolerant of each other as time goes on?
they're less respectful of each other. seems like there's no room for debate anymore--everyone has to prove someone wrong.
Is Coca-Cola overrated?
Do you know the Macarena?
yes--some students taught me to earn bonus points.
Do you collect anything?
Which is an uglier fashion trend: Ugg boots or ponchos/shawls?
ugg boots--as in uglyboots! And please--ponchos/shawls are so 70s.
Have you ever eaten the yellow snow?
gah! no.
Do you like to go fishing?
not so much.
I haven't done a long meme like this in so long, but this has some wonderful questions so I may swipe it.
This is incredible! Where did you get it?
Wow, too long for me!
the Appalachians are gorgeous! But the Rockies are twice as gorgeous!!!!
And shouldn't some foreign-born Americans be allowed to be President? What if someone's mom was visiting Niagara Falls, Ontario from where she lives in Niagara Falls, New York. She goes into labor in Canada, eh, and her child is born in that nation (God forbid... haa, i kid you Canadians, eh!) Anyway, the kid spends a total of 1 whole day of his life in Canada while going on to honorably serve as a mayor, Governor, and even a Senator. A tremendously well-respected citizen of American society he has become. But he's disqualified from being President? Hmmm, methinks there's something a little wrong with that and it's way past time to change the rule.
I do believe, unless I'm incredibly wrong, that the natural-born citizen part of Article Two of the Constitution was written so that a Brit wouldn't become President and give America back to the Queen. It was to protect America from foreign enemies. That was a few years ago and I don't think that's a problem anymore.
And you've never been abducted by aliens? Wow, I thought almost everyone was. I guess I'm just lucky!
A bientôt,
Oh yeah, p.s., if this was 1941 would you prefer that money be spent on pinochle and Europe and America just fall to the Japanese and then to Nazis who would eventually wipe out the Japanese and rule the world? Hitler or pinochle? Hitler or pinochle? Hmmmmmmmmmm..... War costs money and even though war is tragic, sometimes war is needed for a greater cause. Obviously war is not wanted... but it's been needed.
Now Chris... are you comparing the debacle in Iraq with World War II??
If your parents are American, you can be foreigh born but still be an American. Article Two is preventing someone with no connection or loyalty to the US from getting into power. Foreign-born in this case means parents are foreigners and you are not born on US soil (which can be loosely translated to mean land not "borrowed" ie-US military base in a foreign country).
Lisa, Swipe away!
The Gal, I got it from MySpace. One of my students posted it and asked me to fill it in.
I ALWAYS love your memes. It's fun learning more about you. This one waa LONG!
And yes...I'm gonna swipe this one, too! (I'll give you credit, as usual!)
Thanks :)
Su-WIPED! :-) I even stole a couple of your answers...but NOT the one where you said mountains are mountains...bite your tongue girl! So NOT true! :-)
[I'm so tired I'm writing in exclamations...]
Nope, I wasn't comparing WWII to the Iraq War... I was really just saying that without war, evil would rule the world and on this planet we live on, war has been needed. Sad but true.
Yes, what should've been a quick action in Iraq has turned into a sick mess but...
Other than the assassination plot to kill Bush 41, Hussein never attacked the United States. All of the WMD info was immensely flawed but part of going into Iraq was to remove that genocidal dictator and to try to save millions of people from his evil reign.
In WWII, genocidal dictator Adolf Hitler *never* attacked the United States... but we went into Europe to remove him from power to try to save millions of people from his reign.
I just killed my lunch hour, but I got it done!
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