
5 "me" meme

JennieBoo from O So Mo Love, tagged me for the 5 ME meme. You are supposed to list 5 things about yourself that you never have before. Okay, here goes:

1) the first $1 lottery ticket I purchased was a $20 winner. I figure that's all I'll ever win in my lifetime so I don't often play anymore. I'm still ahead.

2) although I can't sleep in a moving vehicle, i can sleep sitting up, standing upand in most unusual positions.

3) I do not wear a watch and have a keen sense of time.

4) long hand is my favorite composition method, I enjoy the process of writing long hand.

5) the theme music from the TV show Unsolved Mysteries gives me the heebie-jeebies--so does the music from the Law & Order shows

Now I have to tag five...


Mrs. Chili said...

thanks for pegging me for this one and not the one underneath it!

I'll post mine tomorrow!



The Gal Herself said...

I'm going to do this right now. Thanks for the tag! After last night's game, I need a diversion.

WendyDarling said...

That theme song totally freaks me out!! Anytime I am driving alone at night I think about it, and I can actually here Carl Mauldin narate an episode about my disappearance. :-(