
ten things tuesday...

Ten things I'm good at:

1) Listening. I'm a patient listener and have learned that in my profession all the students really want is to be heard. Unless they're talking about dirt bikes. Then I tune out.

2) Baking. I'm a great baker and a pretty good cook. I just don't do either anymore. One day I'll pick up my wooden spoons again, I'm sure. But for now, it seems like too much bother.

3) Teamwork. I love being part of a team, to collaborate and contribute.

4) Cheering up. Nothing makes me happier than knowing I've helped someone through a difficult time.

5) Shopping. I've always wanted to be a personal shopper. I'm great at finding the right things for the right people.

6) Reading. I love reading anything and everything.

7) Color coordinating. It's like a gift or something. But I can match up colors like nobody's business. Well, maybe it is somebody's business, but I'm really good at it.

8) Processing. I shine when we are breaking tasks down or when we are creating plans and formulas.

9) Writing. I have school-teachery handwriting. Nice block letters, clear script and I can write without going uphill even without lines.

10) Decompressing. There are several tricks I've learned. Some of them incorporate distraction, some are counting (counting to ten really works for me at school), and some are breathing. But I can veg out with the best of them.


Mrs. Chili said...

I need to carve out some decompression time for me, I think...

The Gal Herself said...

What a great idea! So often we enumerate (at least mentally) what we DON'T do well. I may steal this.