
everfuckinglong meme

swiped a while ago from Tense

Spell your name with songs

"Kiss for a Rose" - Seal
"Whenever, Wherever" - Shakira
"Ice, Ice Baby" - Vanilla Ice
"Zero" - Smashing Pumpkins
"Gone Forever" - Three Days Grace
"I Can See Clearly Now" - Jimmy Cliff
"Veronica" - Elvis Costello
"Everything’s Just Wonderful" - Lily Allen
"Right Round" - Flo Rider


Name: Kwizgiver
Birthday: October 29th
Nickname: I have a couple
Eye Color: dark green
Hair Color: strawberry blond
Zodiac Sign: Scorpio


The shoes you wore today: sparkle flip flops
Your weaknesses: purses, books, journals
Your fear(s): bugs, dying in a pain, shocks, birds
Your perfect pizza: pretty much anything
Goal you’d like to achieve: declutter my life


Your best physical feature
: my lips
Your bedtime: 9:30-10 during school; over vacation = whenever
Most missed memory: college

This Or That

Pepsi or Coke: Diet Coke
McDonald’s or Burger King: McDonald’s
Adidas or Nike: usually New Balance
Lipton Ice Tea or Nestea: Lipton
Chocolate or Vanilla: chocolate
Cappuccino or coffee: coffee, usually iced

Do You…

Smoke? nope
Curse? often but not excessively
Sing? Yes
Dance? not well but with gusto
Take a shower everyday? yup
Have a crush? A few! George Clooney, John Stamos
Think you’ve been in love? yes
Want to go to college? been there
Like(d) high school? I did.
Want to get married? sure
Get motion sickness? not so much
Think you’re attractive? absolutely
Think you’re a health freak? not even a little
Get along with your parents? yes, we are very close

In the past month, have you…

Gone to the mall? yes
Eaten an entire box of Oreos? no
Eaten sushi? no
Been on stage? no
Gone skating? no
Made homemade cookies? no
Gone skinny-dipping? no, you're welcome
Stolen anything? no


Played a game that required removal of clothing?
Flashed anyone? yes
Been beaten up? no
Shoplifted? yes


Age you hope to be married: sometime before death
Number of children: none of my own
Describe your dream wedding: as long as love radiates, it doesn't matter
Which country would you most like to visit? I'd like to return to Ireland

In the opposite sex…

Best eye color:
doesn't matter
Best hair color: doesn't matter
Short hair or long hair: Short
Height: taller than me


Number of people I could trust with my life:
About 4
Number of CDs that I own: Probably about 500
Number of tattoos: two
Number of piercings: Four … ears only


Whom were you with yesterday?
no one
What woke you up this morning? my alarm
Where are you? comfy chair
Is tomorrow going to be a good day? of course
Do you like anybody? I like lots of people but not romantically


Ever thrown up in public? Yes — I had to pull my car off the road to barf
Passed out because of alcohol? once
What’s on your mind RIGHT NOW? nothing particular


What kind of home would you like?
just like this
What do you want to be when you grow up?
Where do you see yourself in 5 years? Still teaching…


Do you like candy necklaces? sure!
When was the last time you fell over or ran into something? I bump my shins all the time
Do you listen to music every day? yes
Do you still go trick or treating? no
What was the last thing you ate? breakfast
Are you a fast typer? yes, as long as I’m not being tested on it
What’s your favorite type of soda? Diet Polar Orange dry
Have you ever moved? yes
Have you ever won an award? several
Are you listening to music right now? nope
How long ’till your birthday? 3 months
When were you the saddest in your whole life? when my mum died
What time is it? 1:09 PM
Do you use eBay to buy or sell? never have
Who makes you mad? Ignorant, selfish people
Have you ever heard a song written about you? no
Something you want to happen in 2009? Get myself motivated to lose weight
Summer 2009? going to Vermont for AP Training and reading for pleasure as much as possible
Do you miss 2008? not at all


Honestly, what color is your underwear?
lime green
Honestly, what’s on your mind? nothing much
Honestly, what are you doing right now? trying to finish this
Honestly, have you done something bad today? define bad..
Honestly, who is the last person you talked to on the phone? no idea
Honestly, are you jealous of someone right now? no
Honestly, what makes you mad most of the time? Stupidity and selfishness
Honestly, do you bite your nails? never … gross
Honestly, have you had an eating disorder? no
Honestly, do you want to see someone this very moment? no one particular
Honestly, are you keeping a big secret now? can't think of anything
Honestly, do you have a friend you don’t actually like? kinda’
Honestly, are you in denial? About a few things, yes
Honestly, do you get up in the middle of the night and eat? no
Honestly, does anyone like you? I should hope so!


What do you do when you’re mad? I get very, very quiet or cry
What’s the worst thing you’ve done when you were mad? Said stupid, hurtful things
Ever made anyone cry when you were mad? probably
Do you swear when you’re mad? sometimes


When was the last time you actually cried? I got teary at therapy today
Ever cried yourself to sleep? not often
Do certain songs make you cry? beautiful music moves me
What usually makes you cry? any and everything


Are you usually a happy person? yes
What makes you the happiest? when the magic happens in the classroom
Do you believe in yourself? yes
When people say they think you are good looking/pretty, do you get happy? of course!


The Gal Herself said...

Miss Kwizgiver! You have played games that required you to remove clothing! You flashed people! Yet you are a TEACHER! I am shocked! (And will probably steal this later.)

Unknown said...

We had so many in common! Enjoyed your answers.