
sunday stealing

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Sunday Stealing: The Tell Me About Yourself Meme

1. When is your birthday? October 29

2. Where were you born? at the hospital

3. Where do you live now? in my wonderful apartment

4. What is your heritage? French/German/Irish

5. Tell us about a weakness. I give in to temptation too easily

6. What's a goal that you'd like to achieve? catch up on my reading

7. What is the most overused internet phrase? overuse of the f-word

8. What was your first thought this morning? last morning to sleep in

9. When do you usually go to bed? 10

10. Do you smoke? If not, did you ever? not anymore

11. Do you like your current relationship status? meh

12. Do you (or did you) get along with your parents? we get along great

13. How often do you drink alcohol? very rarely

14. Have you ever tried drugs (that weren't prescribed)? never

15. Have you ever gone skinny dipping? If yes, do tell. many years ago

16. If given the choice, how would you like to die? peacefully

17. What did you want to be when you grew up? happy

18. Have you ever been dumped? no

19. What's on your pizza? everything but hot peppers

20. Have you ever shoplifted? on a dare as a kid


Lisa G said...

10 seems to be a popular time to hit the sack. Have a great Sunday :)

Tina Kubala said...

I can resist anything but temptation. *grin*

Bud Weiser, WTIT said...

Why would someone overuse the f word? Oops. I'll work on that... ;)

Anonymous said...

Hot peppers! They're hot.

Woke up this morning thinking the same thing.

Have a great week!!

The Gal Herself said...

Teach, you were a skinny-dipping, smoking shoplifter? I am SHOCKED! SHOCKED, I tell you!