
christmas meme # 2

Favorite Christmas…
01. Non-Jesus-related song? "My Grown-up Christmas List"

02. Jesus-related song? "O Holy Night"

03. Santa-related song? "Santa Claus Is Coming To Town"

04. Fictional character? Buddy the Elf

05. Dinner’s main course? whatever we're having

06. Dinner’s dessert? red velvet cake

07. Scent (pine, gingerbread, candles…)? cranberry orange

08. Animated movie? Charlie Brown Christmas

09. Non-animated movie? Christmas Vacation

10. Personal memory? the family sing-a-longs

11. Story/Fairy Tale? 'Twas The Night Before Christmas


The Gal Herself said...

Buddy is a great character, isn't he?

I've stolen this, naturally.

Unknown said...

I swiped this meme. And we have a match!