
the queen's meme

The Freedom Meme
click the link to play along

I hold these truths to be self-blevident! (That’s blog + evident for all you non-blog speakers)

I declare myself to be free from obsessive compulsive disorder.

I wish I could free myself of clutter.

I am thankful that confidence freed me from overcompensation.

I don't mind paying for cablebut internetshould be free.

I am free to laugh over and over again. In fact, I look forward to it!

If I could choose one freedom I don’t have today it would be to not have to work.

In a free and perfect world there would be no violence and hate.

I am going to write my Declaration of Independence on a piece of gum wrapper.

I wouldn’t mind being taxed on unnecessary itemsbut I highly resent being taxed on things I need, like a reliable mechanic.

When I was younger I was free to stay up all nightbut now that I’m older I prefer to get lots of sleep.

I declare myself free from the destructive habit of being hard on myself.

I declare myself joyfully addicted to books!!!

I don’t think the world will ever be totally free of clocks.

With complete abandon, I free fall into imagination.

In a hypothetical Superman existence, I would use my power to do good doing random acts of kindness.

I wickedly use my my power to do evil saying whatever pops into my head.

If I weren’t so dependent on televisionI could be truly independent about entertaining myself.

When I need to free my thoughts from stress and worry, I count things.

I would like to freely kick a colleague in the seat of his/her hypothetical pants.

I want to do this drive fast every single day and pay no consequences.

I want the freedom to let my silliness run amok also and enjoy ridiculous YouTube videos every single day.

If I could re-write the Freedom of Information Act I would remove stupid shit from the public record.

I daily need the freedom to thinkand I don't give a bamn what anybody else thinks about it.

If I had the power to throw one person in jail it would be shysters.

If I had the power to free one person from bondage of any kind it would be my "people" from financial stress.

If I could “speak truth to power“, I would say to the world be human!

The 3 most important freedoms I have in my life are: freedom of expression, freedom to pursue what I want, and freedom to do what I want when I want.

My favorite freedom song is George Michael: Freedom '90.


I had some heaven today: a warm biscuit slathered with nutella covered with strawberries and fresh cream.

It was divine. Deeeeeeeviiiiiiiinnnnne!

just finished reading...

Highly enjoyable memoir about living abroad in the Peace Corps and with other aid agencies. Makes me realize I'm not as adventurous as I'd like to think I am. The author has a fun, witty writing style.

wednesday wickedness

(click the icon to play along)

Today's quotes are from Lady GaGa:

1. "Peace. it does not mean to be in a place where there is no trouble, noise, or hard work. It means to be in the midst of those things and still be calm in your heart." Do you keep your cool no matter what is going on around you? I certainly try to and often people say I appear calm but I know it's all outward appearances

2. "Some women choose to follow men, and some women choose to follow their dreams. If you're wondering which way to go, remember that your career will never wake up and tell you that it doesn't love you anymore." Do you feel that career should be more important than your love life? it depends on the career

3. "You have to be unique, and different, and shine in your own way." In what way(s) do you feel that you are unique? I think outside the box a lot of times and living where I live (at the end of the earth) it is unusual to be my age and unmarried or without children, so that is suspect for a lot of people

4. "I want women -- and men -- to feel empowered by a deeper and more psychotic part of themselves. The part they're always trying desperately to hide. I want that to become something that they cherish." Do you feel that there is a part of you that you need to hide from most people? nope

5. "Love is like a brick. You can build a house, or you can sink a dead body." Have you ever held on to a relationship even though you truly knew it was already over? of course

6. "Sometimes in life you don't always feel like a winner, but that doesn't mean you're not a winner, you want to be like yourself." Would your friends say that you are a winner in this game of life? I think so

7. "A glamorous life is quite different to a life of luxury. I don’t need luxury. For years, I was practically broke but I was still very vain and glamorous. And I still am." Can you tell us about a time when you were broke and yet still happy? every day

8. "I’m single right now and I’ve chosen to be single because I don’t have the time to get to know anybody. So it’s okay not to have sex, it’s okay to get to know people. I’m celibate. Celibacy’s fine." Do you think staying celibate between relationships important? who am I to tell a grown adult when to have sex?

9. "Fight and push harder for what you believe in, you'd be surprised, you are much stronger than you think." Tell us about an incident where you were stronger than you thought you were. every day

10. "I lie in bed and try to pray and breathe. I have a very overactive mind. I’m the sort of person who’d never take medication to calm myself. It’s maddening. But I love what comes out." Do you feel that you always have the ability to calm yourself? eventually, thankfully I've learned some great techniques in therapy


ten things tuesday...

Ten European Cities I would like to visit:

1) Paris. Although I've already been there, my time was much too brief. There is much to see and do.

2) Vienna. It seems so romantic.

3) Venice. My Virginia sister and her family lived about forty-five minutes outside the city and when other family members went to visit they raved. Someday I'll get there.

4) Krakow. There's so much important history, yet it's an up-and-coming city.

5) Bruges. Again, a city I've already visited but it's quaint and beautiful and picturesque and amazing.

6) Madrid. It's such a modern city with an old-world vibe.

7) Berlin. Just 'cus it's Berlin.

8) Geneva or Zurich. Both sound fantastic.

9) Rome. It's the capital of the world. The Eternal City.

10) Meteora. A city in the cliffs. How amazing.

baby steps...

10 minutes on the treadmill and 10 minutes on the elliptical. Gotta start somewhere. Tomorrow will be a circuit day.

gonna be good...


Biggest decision of the day: fresh pineapple or fresh strawberries?

reminders about life...

(Author Unknown)

1. Maybe we are suppose to meet a few wrong people before we meet the right one so that when we finally meet the right person, we will know how to be grateful for that gift.

2. When the door of happiness closes, another opens, but often times we look so long at the closed door that we don't see the one which has been opened for us.

3. The best kind of friend is the kind you can sit on a porch and swing with, never say a word, and then walk away feeling like it was the best conversation you've every had.

4. It's true that we don't know what we've got until we lose it, but it's also true that we don't know what we've been missing until it arrives. Open your hearts and minds.

5. Giving someone all your love is never an assurance that they'll love you back! Don't expect love in return; just wait for it to grow in their heart, but if it doesn't, be content it grew in yours.

6. It takes only a minute to get a crush on someone, an hour to like someone, and a day to love someone, but it takes a lifetime to forget someone.

7. Don't go for looks; they can deceive. Don't go for wealth; even that fades away. Go for someone who makes you smile because it takes only a smile to make a dark day seem bright. Find the one that makes your heart smile.

8. There are moments in life when you miss someone so much that you just want to pick them from your dreams and hug them for real.

9. Dream what you want to dream; go where you want to go; be what you want to be, because you have only one life and one chance to do all the things you want to do.

10. May you have enough happiness to make you sweet, enough trials to make you strong, enough sorrow to keep you human, enough hope to make you happy.

11. Always put yourself in others' shoes. If you feel that it hurts you, it probably hurts the other person, too.

12. The happiest of people don't necessarily have the best of everything, they just make the most of everything that comes their way.

13. Happiness lies for those who cry, those who hurt, those who have searched, and those who have tried, for only they can appreciate the importance of people who have touched their lives.

14. Love begins with a smile, grows with a kiss and ends with a tear.

15. The brightest future will always be based on a forgotten past, you can't go on well in life until you let go of your past failures and heartaches.


this is gonna be good...

My gym adventure was a bit of a letdown. The trainer was not perky or enthusiastic. She wasn't Jillian. She validated my goals and set up a do-able plan. I must remember that squats are my friend. And the elliptical looks like a good challenge. So, my plan is to go 3 or 4 times per week.

just another manic monday...

If you could only see black and white except for one color, what color would you choose to see? green... all the shades are beautiful

If you could have a room full of any one thing, what would it be? family

Imagine you could go back to the age of five and relive the rest of your life, knowing everything that you know now. You will reexperience your entire adolescence with both the cognitive ability of an adult and the memories of everything you’ve learned form having lived your life previously. o m g... what a trip that would be

Would you lose your virginity earlier or later than you did the first time around (and by how many years)? hmmm...I think it depends on being ready, with a good partner and my first serious boyfriend would have had expectations of the relationship if we had had sex... so, I donno


Meryl Streep is a goddess. One of my criticisms of the book was the over use of the f-word, so I was glad it wasn't throughout the movie. It gets tedious. The music was good. Amy Adams was totally believable.


i say... and you think...?

1. Collectors :: compulsive
2. Passion :: unbridled
3. Winner :: champion
4. Uninhibited :: free
5. Challenge :: up for the
6. Self :: me
7. Your :: thy
8. Viewer :: view finder
9. Random :: unexpected
10. Vice :: evil... hahaha


sunday stealing

(click the icon to play along)

Sunday Stealing: The Eighty Meme, part one

1. What curse word do you use the most? shit

2. Do you own an iPod? no

3. What person do you talk to on the phone the most? probably my bestie

4. Do you still remember the first person you kissed? yes

5. Do you remember where you were on 11/9/01? teaching

6. What was the last movie you watched? Toy Story 3

7. Has anyone ever called you lazy? just me

8. Do you ever take medication to help you fall asleep? occasionally

9. Has anyone told you a secret this week? yes :-)

10. What is the first thing you notice about the opposite sex? their presence

11. What are you looking forward to? being on vacation

12. Do you own any band t-shirts? no

13. What will you be doing in one hour? going to the market

14. Is anyone in love with you? nope

15. Last time you cried? a couple of months ago I was very emotional because of stress

16. Are you on a desktop computer or a laptop? laptop

17. Are you currently wanting any piercings or tattoos? yes, I'd like another

18. Would you ever date anyone covered in tattoos? yes

19. What were you doing before this? watching Top Chef reruns

20. When is the last time you slept on the floor? it's been awhile

21. How many hours of sleep do you need to function? at least 6 to function, that doesn't mean function highly

22. Do you eat breakfast daily? yes, I do


PostSecret is an ongoing community art project where people mail in their secrets anonymously on one side of a postcard. I like to post one that speaks to me each week.


the feast

Laughter, lobster and family... who could ask for anything more?

Saturday 9

Letters from the Sky

1. Do you believe that we will ever be contacted by beings from another planet? no

2. Have you or a family member ever traced your family tree? my uncle is a great genealogist and he has traced the family back to the 1400s in France

3. Did you ever consider an acting career? no

4. What is the funniest situation you’ve witnessed in a religious setting? just antics at a wedding

5. What's the first movie you remember ever seeing in a theater? Chitty-Chitty Bang Bang

6. What's the most difficult confession you've ever had to make? telling my family I was diagnosed with major depression and OCD

7. What is a city that you have visited and hated? Amsterdam... dirty, disgusting, smelly, crowded... bah!

8. Has anyone in your life been "the one who got away"? yup

9. Why do you think the 10 foot duck walked into the bar on Thursday Thunks? to get a drink... sorry I forgot to play along, Bud!


visit complete...

Because a family visit wouldn't be complete without a lobster feed. My sister and her jumbo. I had a hamburger, I don't really care for lobster.

friday fill-in

# 182

1. On vacation, I like to let the adventures unfold.

2. Dipping my toes in the ocean.

3. One of my favorite vacation spots is my couch.

4. Sometimes I want to howl at the full moon.

5. Up, up and away here we go.

6. Bananas blech.

7. And as for the weekend, tonight I'm looking forward to our last laughter-filled big family cookout for this visit, tomorrow my plans include saying goodbye and Sunday, I want to start recovering!


thursday bug

Sometimes it helps to share with others what bugs your mind.
They may have a solution, a kind word, or a smile of encouragement.
This week my thursday bug is:

Running out of family vacation time. Why don't we live closer?


it's all good...

Nieces arguing over who sits next to you = best feeling in the world. ♥

went to see...

The adults laughed more than the kids did. Everyone I was with cried. The hallmarks of a great movie.

what do you crave?

You Crave Love

You don't feel like life is really worth living if you don't have anyone to love.

You know that in the end, relationships are what matter most - and you put love first.

Even if you've already found your true love, you're looking for more people to care for.

You never like your life to be too quiet. You prefer it to be filled with friends, conversation, and laughter.


ten things tuesday...

Ten random things:

1) Let me remind all of us that I am on vacation!

2) I have yet to sleep in, I've had to get up with an alarm every day.

3) My sister and her family are visiting from Virginia and we are having a blast! My local niece has been staying with them and watching the three girls together is fun.

4) There are not enough hours in the day to spend all together. So, tomorrow I'm staying overnight at their camp.

5) I had a successful first week of Weight Watchers even though I didn't very carefully watch my Points.

6) My Farmville addiction is echoed by my sister's. One more thing we share.

7) Tonight my sister was able to have a massage by the same masseur I had last week. She loved it. They had gone mountain hiking today so her legs were ready for a massage.

8) When the whole family is together there is a lot of laughter. A lot of laughter. Holy moly but there are some funny people in my family.

9) The weather has been cooperating so far. If it rains tomorrow we'll probably go see Toy Story 3 at a matinee. But it's been in the upper 70s and 80s with no humidity and a nice breeze for two days. How lucky?!

10) I finally got an email from AP Central that my syllabus was approved. I'm official.


longest day...

For the longest day of sunshine I sure squeezed all the fun out of it. What a great day! Starting with family coffee at 8, a great therapy session at 11, delicious lunch with the family, followed by a walk to the park and on the trails with my nieces, then back to Dad's to make lasagna and hang out some more and a fantastic family meal. With all the laughter and conversation overlapping and rippling all around--there is no more fun in the day!

Happy Solstice!

just another manic monday...

As an adult, what is your favorite thing about summer? having time away from school to recharge, rejuvenate and relax

What was your favorite thing about summer when you were a kid? the endless days of play

In 2010, it will be the summer of ME.



This week Postsecret is all about Father's Day. This one spoke to me. But there are many more great secrets.

sunday stealing

(click the icon to play along)

Sunday Stealing: The Oh My! Meme, part one

1. The phone rings; who don't you want it to be? any automated call center

2. When shopping at the grocery store, do you return your cart? yes

3. In a social setting, are you more of a talker or a listener? listener

4. What was the last compliment that someone gave you? my car smells good

5. Do you play the lottery? no

6. If abandoned alone in the wilderness, who would you want with you? Bear Grylls

7. Do you like to ride horses? no

8. Did you ever go to camp as a kid? just ours

9. What is your favorite party game? Balderdash!

10. If a sexy person was pursuing you, but you knew he/she was married, would you go for it? no

11. When was the last time that you lied? I don't remember

12. Could you date someone with different religious beliefs than you? yes

13. If you have a S/O, who pursued who? If not, do you like to pursue or be pursued? yes

14. Use six words to describe yourself. I forgot my glasses this morning

15. Name a song that could make you cry? Cannon in D

16. Are you pleased with your education? yes

17. How do you feel about gun control? I don't feel anything about it... I think it's necessary

18. If your house was on fire, what thing would be the first thing you grabbed? a hold of myself

19. How often do you have a romantic weekend? never

20. Do you think more about the past, present or future? present

21. What was the last adult magazine that you have read? People magazine is as adult as I get

22. What are you told about your eyes? they are dark

23. How tall is just right? taller than me

24. Where is your dream house located? my imagination

25. Do you have a secret fetish? no

26. Have you tried bourbon? If yes, what type? no

27. Have you ever seen a male or female stripper? no

28. When was the last time you were at TGI Fridays? never

29. When was the last time you were at Church? I don't even remember

30. Where was the furthest place you traveled today? to the living room

31. What was your favorite job? this one

32. What condiments do you like at your BBQ? the usual

33. Bud is hosting Thursday Thunks this week. Will you play? I will try to remember to play but I have family visiting and might forget

34. Do you look like your mom or dad? yes

35. Who was the last person that you showered with (it's okay to leave out the name)? me, myself and I


busy day.

Started the day with a fun breakfast with The Breakfast Club--all but one of us was there. After gabbing and grubbing I had a pedicure and Cha-Ching Cherry is my new shade. Then I did more errands and took a nap. I was awakened by the phone call that my Virginia family had arrived. So, up to Dad's I went and hung out with them for a few hours. Next was off to the camp they're staying at to check it out. Much nicer and more fun than a hotel.

This is going to be a great week!

saturday 9

Jumping Someone Else's Train

1. When was your last train ride? good question... it's been about eighteen years

2. How many foreign countries have you visited? Tell us about one. I have been to 9 or 10 foreign countries... the best was going to school in Ireland, living in Cork and traveling almost every weekend to some small coastal town or other. It felt like home. I need to go back.

3. What do you always take with you on vacation? my camera

4. Tell us about something you've lost recently. I thought I lost a certificate of completion for the AP training from last summer but I eventually found it in a most unusual place--the binder that went with the course!

5. Do you prefer action packed vacations or relaxing ones? I like a mix of both... although I don't do much action-packed

6. How long will you wait in a check out line before abandoning your purchases? I have never done that

7. How old do you wish you were? I like being my age... but going back in time to four years ago, there are a few things I would do differently

8. Do you consider yourself kind? yes

9. Tell us about your tattoos. Or if you had to get a tattoo, where and what would it be? I have a four-leaf clover on my left wrist and a Celtic mandala on the inside of my right calf


summer of me...

I joined a gym today. I meet with a personal trainer on the 28th.


Bought a new toy. It's very easy to use, in fact Maggie was my first victim subject. Mostly I got it for some summer fun with my Virginia nieces. But now that I see how easy it is to use, I can see some good classroom applications.

friday fill-in

# 181

1. No more rushing out of the house before 6:58.

2. It was the reason, of course, for my smirk.

3. Stress over school is something I no longer feel the need to do.

4. I have another errand to run, then I will sip my iced coffee and enjoy the day.

5. Hey_...just go find it

6. What were once vices are now laughable memories.

7. And as for the weekend, tonight I'm looking forward to hang out, tomorrow my plans include the Breakfast Club and a pedicure and Sunday, I want to attach myself to my sister's family!


meet maggie

thursday bug

Sometimes it helps to share with others what bugs your mind.
They may have a solution, a kind word, or a smile of encouragement.
This week my thursday bug is:

Perfectionism in myself.


wednesday wickedness

Today's quotes are from Bruce Springsteen:

1. “When it comes to luck, you make your own.” Do you believe you have that type of control over your luck? I think that luck is being open to the possibilities and opportunities

2. “You've got to learn to live with what you can't rise above.” What is something you have had difficulty rising above? I get in my own way a lot

3. “Poor men wanna be rich, rich men wanna be kings, and a king ain’t satisfied till he rules everything.” Would you want to be rich? I'd give it a try ;-)

4. “The best music is essentially there to provide you something to face the world with.” Tell us about a song that helps you "face the world." well... there are several contenders

5. “In America everything's about who's number one today.” Have you ever been a fan of someone you thought would last but turned out to be a flash in the pan? I'm sure... any number of One Hit Wonders from the 80s

6. “Is a dream a lie if it don't come true, or is it something worse?” Has any dream of yours come true? they do on a regular basis

7. “Our American government has strayed too far from American values. It is time to move forward. The country we carry in our hearts is waiting.” What would you change if you became the president? I would clean house and stop the pork barelling

8. "Yeah, I had gay friends. The first thing I realized was that everybody's different, and it becomes obvious that all of the gay stereotypes are ridiculous." How do you feel about gay rights? everyone should have the same rights, otherwise basic rights become special rights

9. " It's a sad man my friend who's living in his own skin and can't stand the company." Have you ever been disappointed in yourself? on a regular basis... I am very hard on myself

10. "The best music is essentially there to provide you something to face the world with." What's your favorite type of music? What's your favorite band? I love pop/rock and my favorite band since 1982 is U2


This is a self-portrait. I have just had my massage. Oh, it was heavenly! Heavenly! Now, I'm enjoying a very large glass of wine. What a wonderful way to kick off vacation! I'm on vacation!!!

And, yes, I made another appointment for July.

what's your summer sense?

Your Summer Sense is Sight

You are very visually oriented. It's likely you're an artist - or at least a good photographer.

You are good at taking in a lot of visual stimuli at once ... the more the better.

Your eyes love the bustling scenes of summer. You could spend hours at a crowded beach people watching.

You are equally moved by the sights of nature. You can be endlessly entertained on a quiet hike.

it's finally here...


ten things tuesday...

Ten things about my day:

1) I overslept this morning. Slept through my alarm. Probably because I had a glass of wine last night to help me unwind from the meeting.

2) Made an appointment for a massage. It's Wednesday at 7:15. What a great way to start vacation!

3) Made a therapy appointment for Monday. I had to cancel last week's appointment because of Dad's scare last week. My therapist will be shocked by everything that's gone on since my last appointment.

4) Ran to the pharmacy for refills. It's nice to check off routine chores.

5) Dranoed my tub drain. I will call the plumber. When I'm on vacation.

6) Finished my grades and printed out verification reports. No shocks.

7) Tallied the books and I'm down one that is damaged beyond repair. Now I've got 79 for next year.

8) Packed up and cleaned up my classroom. I'm a dirty wreck now because I didn't have a chance to clean up before #9.

9) (Re)Joined Weight Watchers with my bestie. I think the two of us will keep each other accountable and on track. Great support. And going with someone else keeps me motivated. And who better than my bestie to support?

10) I think I'm gonna go to bed early tonight. I'm wiped out. But I'm excited for tomorrow. At 11:30 I'm a free woman.

summer of me...

So, my bestie and I joined Weight Watchers. For me, it's the bazillionth time. But I have a new attitude about it--that because I want to be healthier, that's my goal. Not a number. I'm never going to be a skinny mini because that's just not who I am, but I need to be healthier. Since Curv*s closed, I haven't exercised at all. Actually, it's since my pulmonary emboli that I haven't exercised. And I'm not going to get all OCD and crazy about points or anything, like I did last time. My goal is health... and a healthier lifestyle.

I'm going to join a local gym, too, and work with a personal trainer to help me create a Curv*s-like workout. That 30 minutes deal worked wonders.



I'm gonna make an appointment to get a massage. I'm going to call tomorrow. I earned it, especially tonight at negotiations.

just another manic monday...

If, for one month, you had to live day and night at any one retail store, which one would it be? well, I guess I'd have to pick WalM*rt because they are local but I would rather stay at a Target.

If, for one month, you could live at any famous residence or home in the entire world, which one would you pick? oh, the White House or Kensington Palace



This awards show is so electric with energy. Makes me wish I lived close enough to enjoy a lot of *good* live theater! I miss Neil Patric Harris as host.

i say... and you think...?

1. Offense :: aggressive
2. Bench :: park
3. Kissing :: smooches
4. Timely :: ready
5. Yellow :: sunny
6. Get up and go :: self-starter
7. Beer :: bottle
8. Calories :: Weight Watchers
9. Blast :: boom boom pow
10. Window :: sheers



PostSecret is an ongoing community art project where people mail in their secrets anonymously on one side of a postcard. I like to post one that speaks to me each week.

sunday stealing

(click the icon to play along)

Sunday Stealing: The Just Because Meme

1. You’re building your dream house. What’s the one thing that this house absolutely, positively MUST HAVE? (other than the obvious basics of course) a maid

2. What is your dream car? a sleek jag

3. What is your favorite website that isn’t a blog? Facebook so I can get onto Farmville

4. iPhone 4 or Droid, which do you want? neither

5. When you’re feeling down or lonely or just generally out of sorts, what do you do to cheer yourself up? play on the computer

6. Tell me about something or someone that you love that most people seem to hate. I love Madonna... the older I get the more I love her. Same with Cher.

7. What do you want to be when you grow up? happy

8. Would you go on a reality show if given the chance? oh, I don't know, it depends on the purpose of the show

9. Who was your favorite teacher when you were growing up. (Grade school, Middle School, Jr. High or High School only.) Mr. Smith was my 7th grade social studies teacher, Miss Dingwall was my high school history teacher, and Mrs. Nichols was my 4th grade teacher. I loved them all.

10. You get one pass to do something illegal or immoral. What are you gonna do? *shrug* nothing comes to mind

11. What were you doing 10 years ago? getting ready to teach summer school

12. By this time next year, I ... will be waiting for the end of school

13. Do you think the United States will elect a female President in your lifetime? Do you think this would be a good thing? yes and yes

14. Which fictional, TV show character you would shag anytime? Dr. Doug Ross

15. What is your greatest pet peeve? having pet peeves

16. Tell me about your most recent trip of more than 100 miles? I chaperoned a group of high school students to the State Civil Rights Team Conference, uncomfortably, on a school bus

17. Which do you use more often, the dictionary or the thesaurus? dictionary

18. Do you have a nickname? What is it? Kwizgiver

19. What are you dreading at the moment? school on Monday, Tuesday and half-day Wednesday

20. Do you worry that others will judge you from reading some of your answers? no, I don't think about it

21. In two words, explain what ended your last relationship. his personality

22. What were you doing this morning at 8am? having breakfast with my bestie

23. Do you have any famous relatives? define famous

24. How many different beverages have you drank today? 4

25. What is something you are excited about? summer vacation and my family's visit

26. When was the last time you spoke in front of a large group? daily during the work week

27. When you looked at yourself in the mirror today, what was the first thing you thought? I have no idea

28. What were you doing at midnight last night? falling asleep

29. What’s a word that you say a lot? no

30. Who is your worst enemy? George Clooney's girlfriend


just watched...

Hard to believe this is based on a true story. It's so convoluted it's funny!


Totally crashed today.

saturday 9

Goodbye To You

1. Have you had to say goodbye to a good friend or lover because they were moving? sadly, yes

2. Have you ever wanted to use personal information about someone to sort of "blackmail" them? If yes, tell us about it. can't think of anything

3. What two things influenced the choice of your present job or to stay at home? my dad and my college adviser

4. Do you like warm weather? How warm does it get where you live? What is the best way to spend a hot, summer day? on the hottest days it can get into the upper 80s with high humidity. It's the humidity that drives me crazy. It makes me very cranky and sleepy

5. What do you find "hot" in a man/woman? What is the first thing you notice about someone who is hot? Do you ever think of yourself as hot? I think a person's presence is hot--you know, how they take up space in the world

6. Are you quick to anger? How do you react when you are angry or frustrated? What do you do to cool down? there are things that make my temper flash but overall I am very, very patient

7. In your family, who is the least like the rest of you? uhm... probably me because I'm the only single, childless one

8. What are a few great books that you've taken along to the beach or on vacation in years past? If you aren't a big reader, what do you do to while away the lazy hours? oh, I always have a bunch of books going

9. Do you like going outside during a thunderstorm and watching the lightening? not outside but I love to watch



Congratulations to my nephew, the high school graduate. The ceremony was really quite nice. The student speakers went w-a-y-y-y a bit too long, but the keynote speaker was pretty good and the principal stole the show. It was hot and stuffy in the gym, the whole thing went without a hitch.

Congratulations! And I hope you get lots of great gifties at the Project Graduation party!

friday fill-in

# 180

1. The weekend feels great.

2. The solution is simple.

3. Sometimes I can't fall asleep.

4. How about laughing so hard it hurts.

5. The small super-chef salad is something I highly

6. Imagine in a week, I'll be on vacation.

7. And as for the weekend, tonight I'm looking forward to my nephew's graduation, tomorrow my plans include breakfast with my bestie and Sunday, I want to gear up for the last week of school!


brags, gratitudes, and desires...

Swiped, lovingly, from The Gal:

1. How have you totally impressed yourself, turned yourself on, pleased yourself, or otherwise created magic lately? That’s a BRAG. I had a moment with each of my classes this week--when the stars aligned and real learning was going on. Plus, I had a couple of students give me written notes thanking me for the school year. I've never had that happen.

2. For what are you thankful? What blessings are right here? What blessings are on their way and you want to give thanks in advance? And what currently-challenging situations in your life are you going to affirm as blessings in shit-brown wrappers? Those are GRATITUDES, or “grats” for short. I am thankful that my family is a tight unit and my dad's health scare confirms how close we are. We also had a good discussion about Living Wills and our requests.

3. And what are you craving? Yearning for? Realizing the world needs? What marching orders from the universe are written on your heart in the form of desires? From wanting “this headache to go away” to yearning “to know my divinity” to realizing “I want to be a mother”, no DESIRE is too big, too small, too “selfish” or too far-reaching. Vacation. There is so much wrapped up in that one word--a family visit, a chance to recharge, an opportunity to research and read, and all the junky tv and naps I can handle.

Let me know in the comments if you swipe it from me, so I can see what you have to say.

thursday bug

Sometimes it helps to share with others what bugs your mind.
They may have a solution, a kind word, or a smile of encouragement.
This week my thursday bug is:

Having a hard time to schedule an appointment that needs to be rescheduled.