
monday movie meme

Play along with the Bumbles.

This week's movie topic is all about depressing movies.

I found Seven Pounds to be depressing. Slow moving and depressing.

As well as The Boy in the Striped Pyjamas.


sdk_2010 said...

I caught some of Seven Pounds on SKY one night and I agree with you, it was extremely slow. Your other choice is a good movie, just a sad story.

Lindsey said...

I haven't watched this movie yet, for the pure twist revolving around it. Perhaps I should ;)

The Gal Herself said...

I haven't seen either one. Am I sorry or fortunate?

The Bumbles said...

I have the plot of PJ's in my head from reading the book reviews - so I know what I'll be in for when I sit down to watch the film.

I have never even heard of Seven Pounds.

Anonymous said...

I never would have thought of it, but you're right! Seven Pounds was so depressing!