
monday movie meme

Play along with the Bumbles.

This week's movie topic is all about epic battle scenes.

I'm drawing a complete blank, other than movies that others have already mentioned, I thought of the film I show my students every year: The scene at Fort Wagner in the movie Glory. From the muster to the freeze it is epic.


sdk_2010 said...

I liked this film, another really good choice today.

Unknown said...

Ooo, Glory. Great choice! I also would have taken Gettysburg :)

Mine is here: http://www.endomental.com/2011/06/monday-movie-meme.html

Anonymous said...

Glory is an awesome film - great choice!

Hope you'll stop by my blog and check out my choices too. :)

Heather G. said...

GLory is a good one! Can't really go wrong with epic battle scenes from war movies!

Anonymous said...

I thought this was a hard week too! I included Glory on my list.