
friday fill-ins

# 174

1. I was devastated this week.

2. I was reading in the car and I left my book in the back seat.

3. Why ask why.

4. Budget cutting was in my thoughts today.

5. One of my father's favorite sayings was "This too shall pass."

6. Whoa--I know that feeling!

7. And as for the weekend, tonight I'm looking forward to a glass or two of wine, tomorrow my plans include the Breakfast Club and Sunday, I want to get on the bus for Augusta!


thursday bug

Sometimes it helps to share with others what bugs your mind.
They may have a solution, a kind word, or a smile of encouragement.
This week my thursday bug is:

School budget cuts that hit too close to home. My beloved Civil Rights Team has been cut.


Take the No Phone Zone Pledge

wednesday wickedness

1. "I've got a hard time with morals. All I know is what feels right, what's more important to me is being honest about who you are. Morals I get a little hung up on.” Do you ever have a hard time with morals? sometimes I have an issue with people trying to or wanting to push their morals on me

2. “Being married means I can [break wind] and eat ice cream in bed.” Do you eat in bed? If yes, what? no, I don't eat in bed... I think it's gross

3. “I phoned my grandparents and my grandfather said 'we saw your movie'. 'Which one?' I said. He shouted 'Betty, what was the name of that movie I didn't like?” What was the last movie you hated and why? nothing comes to mind because I generally don't watch movies I hate

4. “We made a plan at school to meet in her garage and kiss. It was like this little business deal. I kissed her and then I ran home.” Did you make 'a plan' the first time you made love or did it just happen? I honestly don't remember

5. “You must lose everything in order to gain anything.” Have you ever felt that you lost it all? If yes, explain. yes... after a particularly sticky break-up

6. “We did a little training in the beginning, ... But again, these guys aren't supposed to be skilled fighters.” When were you last time that you were in a fight (physical or not)? I got in a verbal spat with a colleague today

7. “My week consists ... five days out of the seven I've got at least three cars of paparazzi on me that I've got to either lose or whatever.” Have you ever been stalked? no, thankfully

8. “I mean, that's the modified self-help version of the psychology, I guess.” Do you believe in 'self help' for problems, or do you prefer therapy? I like to help myself until I need outside help... I will say (again) that therapy is the best thing I've ever done for myself

9. “Fame is a bitch, man.” Do you agree that fame is lousy or would you love to give it a try? Why? it would be awful

10. “I have always been somebody that really wants to be married. And I don't know if that's just so I can do it differently than my parents did and prove marriage does work.” Do you believe in forever, as in 'love forever'? yes, I think you can love forever--that doesn't mean being IN LOVE forever


If nobody is perfect then you must be nobody!

This greeted me in my Dove chocolate. Good thing I had already popped it into my mouth or I might've lost my taste for chocolate.


idol chatter...

Shania Twain week was more interesting than I expected, I'll say that right up front. It's going to be interesting to see who goes home. I really didn't like Siobhan's shrieky ending to the country song. But it's kind of a toss up. Crystal didn't wow me this week. But I really do like Lee.

ten things tuesday...

Ten things:

1) This has been a strange week. Already. It's only Tuesday. Yesterday and today notifications have been given for "involuntary transfers" within the school district. Some very unhappy people at my school today.

2) Another casualty is the Civil Rights Team. I am sad. I've devoted nine years working to create a safe learning environment at school just to have the rug pulled out from under me. We have a highly-respected team, well-known around the State.

3) Shania Twain night on American Idol. Uhmmmmm...

4) I'm struggling with the current book group book: Salman Rushdie's Midnight's Children. Just not my cuppa.

5) I lied when I said I am sad. I'm devastated. How can they do away with an organization whose purpose is to celebrate diversity?

6) Next school year I'll be teaching all sophomores again. According to the numbers, I'll be teaching two divisions of AP. It's going to be a big adventure.

7) A former student, and Civil Rights Team member, stopped by to visit at school today. He's shipping out to Japan for a three-year Navy stint. It was good to visit with him before he heads out.

8) I have eaten a bag (a small bag, but a bag nonetheless) of Reese's Peanut Butter Cups. It was delish.

9) One of my favorite things about Facebook is chatting with my nieces. We visit almost every day.

10) I'm still processing this bizarre week. #s 1, 2 and 5 have me spinning.

geek love



Why does David Spade always play the same character? Does anyone else get sick of it?

sometimes you need some Madonna...


The Flaming Lips | MySpace Music Videos

just another manic monday...

If you could write your own bill of rights, what would you include? I would force people to release their ignorance of other cultures--diversity is NOT a dirty word

What is going on in the world today that affects you the most? I am saddened that there are Americans who can't afford to meet their basic needs

What do you think is the secret to a good life? lots of laughter



PostSecret is an ongoing community art project where people
mail in their secrets anonymously on one side of a postcard. I like to post one that speaks to me each week. This week more than one spoke to me.

sunday stealing

(click the icon to play along)

Sunday Stealing: The Fandom Meme
Rules: We all are fans. Be it Star Trek or Twilight, you are a fan of something. Pick a subject, book, TV or movie series. Now tell us all about it!

Ocean's Eleven, Twelve, and Thirteen!

1. The first character I fell in love with: Danny Ocean

2. The character I never expected to love as much as I do now: Linus Caldwell

3. The character I would shag anytime: Danny Ocean

4. The character I'd slap: The Night Fox

5. Who are my 3 favorite characters. Danny, Linus and Rusty

6. What are my 3 favorite pairings. Danny & Tess, Rusty & Isabell, Virgil & Turk (the gearhead brothers)

7. Which character I'm most like. none of them

8. The coolest thing about the canon: they're all cool heist films

9. The lamest crappiest thing about the canon: there wasn't enough ensemble action in Thirteen

10. My guiltiest pleasure in this fandom: Rusty eats in almost every scene he's in

11. What story I wish I could read (or art I wish I could see) how they all got together

12. What story I wish I had written/still want to write Ocean's Fourteen!


hello, handsome...

It's been too long...

staycation observation...

So, staycation is almost over. Things I've discovered:
  • the first pedicure of the season is delicious. It's probably the best. Ever.
  • pretzel M&Ms are yummy good. In small doses.
  • hanging out with my sisters both online and in person is fun.
  • forcing myself to stay up late because I'm on staycation is probably stupid.
  • The Hills on MTV is strangely addictive.
  • I've been ruminating about school--things I want to do for the forth quarter and things that I want/need to do for next school year.
  • "Mystery Cat" tried once again, to enter my apartment. Oy. I am not ready for that.

I've got one day left to make the best of vacation!

count me in...

A very pleasant Census taker just interviewed me. I already sent in my Census packet but because I sent it in late, I was on her list.

saturday 9

I Wanna Hold Your Hand

1. What do you notice about other people's hands? the nail beds, if they're ragged or smooth

2. If someone was nosing around your house, what would you hope they wouldn't see? it would be hard to miss the clutter

3. Do you think that the more stuff you own enhances your life or adds to your burden? depends on the stuff, books and clothes are one thing... stuff and stuff is another thing

4. What was the last movie you saw in the theatre? It's Complicated

5. What do you have under your bed? a couple of memory boxes and a couple of random books... and I think that's it

6. What do you think your s/o or best friend would say about what makes you unique? huh... I have no idea

7. What's your current favorite TV commercial? the Snickers ads with Betty White & Abe Vigoda, Liza Minelli & Aretha Franklin

8. Who do you owe a phone call to? no one

9. Do you know about my friend's new meme Wednesday Wickedness? yes, I played along



It's coming to a close. So sad.

friday fill-ins

# 173

1. Where are my servants?

2. If wishes were horses I'd have to build a barn.

3. I'd like to see an amusing movie.

4. When I was a teen, I thought being older than 30 was sooooooooo old.

5. One of my mother's favorite sayings was "I love you".

6. I'd have a hard time doing without my laptop.

7. And as for the weekend, tonight I'm looking forward to hanging around and perhaps an adult beverage or two, tomorrow my plans include more hanging around and Sunday, I want to get ready for school!


the rest of the story...

I got off my ass and did do laundry--folded, put away and fresh sheets on the bed. I also "switched" some clothes by putting sweaters away and getting out cropped pants and springy tops, sweaters and tshirts. No creeps at the laundromat today, yippee! Since I got home, I've been immersed in the Project Runway marathon. There is not enough Tim Gunn goodness in the world. I adore that man.


Dear Noisy Neighbors,


vacation mode...

Just so you know, I'm in chore avoidance mode. I *should* be doing laundry, or making a dent in the clutter, or... any number of productive things. Instead, I'm watching re-runs of What Not To Wear and playing Bejeweled.

thursday bug

Sometimes it helps to share with others what bugs your mind.
They may have a solution, a kind word, or a smile of encouragement.
This week my thursday bug is:

Not quite spring, no longer winter.


idol chatter...

For as much as I enjoy Ryan Seacrest, I realize he is no comedian. And he shouldn't try to be. Annie Lennox was amazing, her segment was just mind-boggling. Such a shame they saved Sir Elton for the end.

Ryan just announced that next week is Shania Twain week. Oy.

Get to the results!!!

mystery cat ...

Mystery Cat has been unofficially adopted by my downstairs neighbors. They're calling him "Lil Bit." He tried to come into my apartment this afternoon and he's wily. I may pet him and talk to him and let him rub against my legs but I'm not ready to have him in my house. Besides, I'm not crazy about his name. Baby steps, baby steps. It's definitely exposure therapy. I still don't like cats just because this one is a sweetie--it's still a cat.

wednesday wickedness

1. "I grew up in the world of bad television, on my dad's sets and then as a young schmuck on dating shows and so on." What is your all time worst TV show and why? Sanford & Son... just not funny

2. "I'm certainly the last person to give advice on, well, anything." Where do you get advice? the parentals

3. "Run for office? No. I've slept with too many women, I've done too many drugs, and I've been to too many parties." What celebrity do you think could make a run for office? uhmmmmmm... if Jerry Springer can be a mayor, I guess anyone can run for office

4. "The only failure is not to try." Tell us about a recent failure. bah! I had to send a kid to the office last week

5. "After doing One Fine Day and playing a pediatrician on ER, I'll never have kids. I'm going to have a vasectomy." If you have kids, tell us about them. If not, would you want them? no, I don't want kids

6. "You have only a short period of time in your life to make your mark, and I'm there now." Have you made your mark yet? in some small ways, yes

7. "I don't believe in happy endings, but I do believe in happy travels, because ultimately, you die at a very young age, or you live long enough to watch your friends die. It's a mean thing, life." Do you believe in happy endings? sure

8. "I was in a bar and I said to a friend, 'You know, we've become those 40-year-old guys we used to look at and say, 'Isn't it sad?'" Have you ever felt that way? yes, I have... hahaha

9. "I'd think, 'In a relationship, we should never have this kind of fight.' Then, instead of figuring out how to make it work, I looked for a way to get out of it. The truth is, you shouldn't be married if you're that kind of person." Have you ever left a relationship that you later regretted? not really, no

10. "I'm the flavor of the month." What celebrity is your flavor of the month? George, of course!


idol chatter...

So. Inspirational song night. Boy was I nervous. Treacle city. A few were over the top but Crystal and Lee delivered. Siobhan was out of her league with her song choice. Tim really was awful. And Big Mike... needed to put the guitar down. Lee's version of "The Boxer" and Crystal's "People Get Ready" was sensational. Finally Crystal was emotional and less robotic.

ten things tuesday...

Ten random things:

1) Tomorrow is my first pedicure of the year. I can't wait for sandal weather.

2) I've got to dejunkify this place. Hoarding is a terrible thing and there are times I get a burst of inspiration/energy to declutter.

3) This afternoon I helped a colleague put together a website using Google Sites. Google Sites is v-e-r-y simple. But he's high maintenance.

4) I saw the list of "inspirational" songs that the Idol contestants got to choose from and it was pretty ghastly.

5) I love reading a book in a day. But I'm sad I finished it. The Spellman series is really fun.

6) Sometimes I think I spend too much time by myself.

7) There are only about 57 days until summer vacation begins. That's counting weekends and everything.

8) I've had some weird food cravings lately. Like whipped cream--who craves whipped cream??

9) I could mainline coffee. I don't know what's up with that but I can't get enough.

10) My bestie and I are going to breakfast tomorrow and we'll get to hang out some this week. I may even get some bonding time with her son because he didn't go to his dad's.

just finished watching...

This was just so... peculiarly funny. Not laugh out loud funny but think-about-it funny.

the queen's meme

The American Idol Meme
click the link to play along

1. Do you watch American Idol? faithfully, I believe I have missed one episode in it's tenure

2. Who is your favorite judge? Simon

3. Who is your favorite contestant this season and why? Lee DeWyze because he's genuinely talented, humble and it's fun to watch him grow in confidence each week

4. Who is your least favorite contestant this year and why? probably Big Mike... there's something smarmy about him

5. Have you ever actually voted via text message? not text voted but I have called many, many times

6. Is there a part of the show you find really annoying? oy, the cloying group numbers at the beginning of the results show

7. What is your overall opinion of the show this season? disappointing, other than Crystal (my favorite for the girls) no one is consistently wowing me

8. Do you like Simon Cowell as a judge? What do you think of his judging style? he can be a bit harsh but generally he says what I would say

9. Is Ellen DeGeneres qualified to be an American Idol singing judge? yes, she is, with all her years of experience she knows what makes a great performance... and let's be honest, it is about more than singing

10. If you could pick a song to sing on the show this week, what would your song choice be and why? well, I don't know about what they consider inspirational songs... but maybe it would be great to hear Lee or Casey sing "Change the World" that Eric Clapton song

11. Who is your favorite all-time American Idol winner? If you like, post a video of their performance. Kelly Clarkson... I don't have a favorite video of her


just finished reading...

Another romp in the Spellman series. True to the characters, true to the action, this is one fun book! I couldn't wait for it to come out in paperback!

only in MA & ME...

Happy Patriot's Day!

Commemorating the first shots of the American Revolution.

just another manic monday...

How has your life been different than you imagined? I never really had a dream or a plan for my life, so it's just what it is

What lessons have you learned from your relationships? believe when people tell you who they are

If you had to move to a city besides the one you currently live in, where would you move? I might move closer to my sisters in PA & VA... or more central Maine if I had to stay in the state

just another manic monday...

Don't know how I missed last week... oh, yeah, I was at negotiations... so anyhow,

Are you doing what you really want to do? no, but I don't yet know what I really want to do

What is your biggest fear? How can you conquer that fear? well, I have a lot of fears and I know they aren't all rational... but a lot of them I conquer by exposure.

Have you settled for mediocrity in your life? I think I have encouraged mediocrity more than settled for it...



PostSecret is an ongoing community art project where people mail in their secrets anonymously on one side of a postcard. I like to post one that speaks to me each week

sunday stealing

(click the icon to play along)

Sunday Stealing: The Me Me Meme

01. Real First Name: as opposed to fake first name?

02. Birthday: end of October

03. Where do you live: in my cozy apartment

04: What are you studying/What are you working as: I teach high school social studies

05. What makes you happy: a million little things

06. What are you listening to now/have listened to last: tv

07. What is particularly good/bad about your blog: I like the layout and colors

08. An interesting fact about you: I'm not very interesting

09. Are you in love/have a crush at the moment: just George

10. Favorite place to be: here

11. Favorite lyric: I can't think of anything right now

12. Best time of the year: autumn

13. Weirdest food you like: I have an adventurous palate...


01. A film: Sherlock Holmes, I just watched it yesterday

02. A book: The Story of Edgar Sawtelle, I just re-read it

03. A song: Geek In The Pink by Jason Mraz

04: A band: the Script


01. One thing you like about a blogger that you have not met: thought provoking topics

02. Two things you like about yourself: my sense of style and my ability to listen

03. Name three things that you need in a lover: sense of humor, sense of playfulness, affectionate


dog duty

This hairy beast is what woke me up this morning. At dawn's early light.

just finished watching...

Delightful fun.

saturday 9

Kicks (Keep Getting Harder To Find)

1. As you get older, do you find that kicks are harder to find? nope, they're actually easier--the simple things make me happy

2. Who is your favorite relative and why? my sisters

3. Who is the most important person in your life? me

4. Name one thing you used to do that you are not proud of. uhm... hmmm nothing is coming to mind

5. Tell us about the furthest you've ever been from what you consider "home". probably the Netherlands or Aruba or California... all three were awesome trips with incredible people

6. Who would you want to be locked in a room with for 24 hours? someone amusing. Or George.

7. What are you doing this weekend? not much of anything... vacation begins

8. Other than your own, whose car were you in last? Ken's, we carpooled to the meeting in Limestone on Monday

9. Tell us about the last compliment that you've received. a friend called and left a very babbly message on my machine... and part of the babble was her thanking me for being the kind of friend she can babble to


finished re-reading...

We had such a lively discussion about The Story of Edgar Sawtelle during book group today. This is what a book group is all about! Not everyone was as enthusiastic about the book as I am and that fed our discussion.

I originally read the book in October, 2008, and skimmed it for our discussion today.

friday fill-in

# 172

1. I'd like to have a pedicure next week.

2. One of my most favorite romantic memories is watching the City Of Lights light up at dusk from the top of the Eiffel Tower.

3. Last night, I had leftover pizza for dinner.

4. Sorry for the wait.

5. Can we stop doing school work now?

6. One of my worst temptations is chocolate; mmmmmmm, hard to resist!

7. And as for the weekend, tonight I'm looking forward to kicking back and relaxing, tomorrow my plans include giving the dog back to my parents and Sunday, I want to have a great day!


dance, dance revolution...


thursday bug

Sometimes it helps to share with others what bugs your mind.
They may have a solution, a kind word, or a smile of encouragement.
This week my thursday bug is:

Dog farts.


once again...

Mystery cat was in the entryway yesterday when I got home, it came down the stairs and rubbed against my legs, purring loudly. Today I got home and mystery cat was engaged with a stray dog but came over to me when I got out of my car. I petted mystery cat again. No heebie jeebies. It really is a sweet cat. But I still don't like cats.

the dessert menu test...

You Are Chic and Charming

You are a very stylish and put together person. You expect the best from yourself and others.

You are quite alluring and seductive. People are mysteriously drawn to you.

You light up a room, and you are always dazzling. You don't need much to really sparkle.

At heart, you are a romantic. Like everyone else, you are searching for that true love connection.


idol chatter...

So. It's Elvis night on Idol. One of the most fun nights. Glambert actually gave very good, solid advice to the contestants. Better advice than Miley Cyrus. I know, that doesn't take much but whatever, it's Elvis night. I really loved Crystal, Lee and Casey. Katie just doesn't do anything for me. I really didn't like her this week. And poor Aaron. Wow, he was out of his element this week, too. Mike was ok, his getttttttto had a bit too much "t" in it for my liking, but hey, it's Big Mike. Tim wasn't too annoying this week, the guitar was very nice but the singing was kind of nasal.

I might actually vote tonight.

I suspect it'll be Siobhan, Aaron, and Andrew in the bottom.

ten things tuesday...

Ten random things, in random order.

1) I write a haiku a day.

2) Hopefully my syllabus will be approved by AP Central soon. This is the longest submission time, so maybe it's good news. I've revised about six times and submitted two (this is the third submission).

3) I am beside myself with excitement about Glee tonight. American Idol and Glee?? Be still my TV-obsessed heart!

4) Vacation is right around the corner. Every day is dragging.

5) This in-between weather is getting on my nerves. Hurry up, Spring! I am excited to wear all my cute skorts. Especially the two I just got.

6) Today I had to make reservations for the Civil Rights Team State Convention in Augusta. Bus and hotel arrangements, and write up a letter for the kids to take home to their parents.

7) It's testing week! Yippee skippy doo. The schedule has been rearranged so far this week. It's a royal pain in the butt.

8) Maggie is mine for a few days this week! Puppy love!

9) On Facebook, an unrequited crush friended me. I think I may have blushed.

10) Holocaust survivor Max Slabotzky is coming to school Thursday. I'm concerned that my students will embarrass me with their behavior.




It's that time of year! The drawback of teaching all sophomores, all day, is repeated viewings. By the 5th time today, it was enough. But so far the students are responding appropriately and appreciatively.


poetry month...

This is the first poem I ever memorized:

Grandpa Dropped His Glasses
(Leroy F. Jackson)

Grandpa dropped his glasses once
In a pot of dye,
And when he put them on again
He saw a purple sky.
Purple fires were rising up
From a purple hill,
Men were grinding purple cider
at a purple mill.
Purple Adeline was playing
With a purple doll;
Little purple dragon flies
Were crawling up the wall.
And at the supper-table
He got crazy as a loon
From eating purple apple dumplings
With a purple spoon.

i say... and you think...?

1. Habit :: routine
2. Relaunch :: reboot
3. Mondays :: ugh
4. Bootstrap :: gumption
5. Funk :: We got da funk!
6. Appreciate :: honor
7. Yay! :: yippee!
8. Life :: alive
9. Sheets :: high thread count
10. Date night :: nonexistent



PostSecret is an ongoing community art project where people
mail in their secrets anonymously on one side of a postcard. I like to post one that speaks to me each week. This week more than one spoke to me.

sunday stealing

(click the icon to play along)

Sunday Stealing: The Me Me Meme

1. Never in my life have I been: to a chiropractor

2. The one person who can drive me nuts is: oh, there are a few candidates

3. High school was: just yesterday

4. When I’m nervous I: go blank

5. The last song I listened to was: Saving Grace by Everlast

6. If I were to get married right now my best man/maid of honor: would be my stepmother

7. My hair is: curly

8. When I was 5: it was the best time of my life

9. Last Christmas: I missed my sisters

10. I should be..: doing something important

11. When I look down I see: my toes

12. The happiest recent event was: washing the dishes

13. If I were a character on 'Friends' I would be: the nice neighbor

14. By this time next year: I'll be another year older and wiser

15. My current gripe is: noisy neighbors

16. I have a hard time understanding: why I get apathetic

17. There’s this girl I know that: breaks into song

18. If I won an award, the first person I would tell would be: depends on where I am

19. Take my advice: never pass up an opportunity to go to the bathroom

20. The thing I want to buy: is a netbook

21. If you visited the place I was born: you'd see a quaint town

22. I plan to visit: well, actually, I haven't made my plans yet

23. If you spent the night at my house: you'd need someplace to sleep

24. I’d stop my wedding if: I knew it wasn't really the right thing to do

25. The world could do without: celebutards

26. I’d rather lick the belly of a cockroach than: ... I wouldn't. Ever.

27. Most recent thing I’ve bought myself: wine

28. Most recent thing someone else bought me: Easter dinner

29. My favorite blonde is: Brad Pitt

30. My favorite brunette is: George Clooney

31. My favorite red head is: me

32. My middle name is: a family name

33. In the morning I: hit snooze

34. The animals I would like to see flying besides birds are:

35. Once, at a bar: I sang karaoke

36. Last night I was: having some wine

37. There’s this guy I know who: is a tool

38. If I was an animal I’d be: a giraffe

39. A better name for me would be: Esmerelda

40. Tomorrow I am: starting the fourth quarter

41. Tonight I am: probably going to bed early

42. My birthday is: always a cause for celebration


catching up on tv...

This is going to be an interesting season. I'm not so sure I like the direction it's going in so far. Not enough Earl for me.

wasted days...

Today was a complete and total waste of 8 hours. It seemed as though we were making progress, only to be told we're not. Back to the drawing board. Oy

saturday 9

Have I Told You Lately That I Love You

1. When was the last time (in a romantic setting) you have told someone that you loved them? many, many years ago

2. Tell us about your very first romantic kiss. it was sweet

3. What was/is your idea of the perfect date? having a connection and being playful

4. What music would you prefer when you are “getting it on”? *shrug*

5. What is the most amazing experience you’ve ever shared with a partner? long, rambling walks and conversations

6. Sex is best saved for: love, marriage, alcohol, days that end in “y”? depends on the situation

7. Have you ever kissed a stranger? yes

8. What's missing from your life? millions of dollars

9. Are you a giver or taker? a bit of both



there must be a 12-step program...

friday fill-in

# 171

1. In 1992, I was traveling to Europe a lot.

2. Teaching is not all laughter and smiles.

3. Do what you want, with what you can afford, where you shop.

4. With you is where I'd like to be.

5. The trees and flowers are telling me spring is on the way.

6. Negotiations that just keeps going on.

7. And as for the weekend, tonight I'm looking forward to a glass of wine or two, tomorrow my plans include negotiations and Sunday, I want to enjoy the day!


thursday thunks...

Bud is hosting this week, so I'll play along. Because it's Bud.

Thursday Thunks: Bud Has Taken Over

These questions were inspired by the late George Carlin. His quotes are in bold. They were gathered from his routines. The TT questions are brought to you by Bud, the color KC's eyes and the number 3.

1. Why do they ask you to get on the plane? Shouldn't you get in it? When was your last flight? it was in April of 2000, I flew to Washington, DC, for a convention

2. Why do they call two planes getting too close a near miss? Shouldn't it be a near hit? Have you ever been on a plane that was in trouble? no, I've lived a very boring life

3. If a mute swears, does his mother wash his hands with soap? What have you done when your child swore? I don't have children, but when kids at school cuss, I usually just shout "Language!"

4. How about a restaurant for anorexics? What would you call it? The Empty Plate? When was the last time you went out to a fancy restaurant? Sunday for Easter dinner

5. Where do forest rangers go to 'get away from it all'? What to you do to get away from it all? I relax in my comfy chair, on the interwebs

6. Why do people who know the least know it the loudest? What do you do to get a know-it-all to shut up? behold! the life of a high school teacher! Usually, I ask repeatedly for the offender to stop talking

7. If a man speaks in the forest and there is no woman to hear him, is he still wrong? Men: does your woman (or most recent) think that you are always wrong? Women: Do you believe that men are always wrong? no, I don't

8. If a turtle loses his shell, is it naked or homeless? Tell us about a time when you were caught naked. again... never, I lead a very boring life

9. Would a fly that loses it wings be called a walk? How badly do flies annoy you? they freak me out and I get the creepy-crawlies... I have to collect myself and deep breathe

10. Why do they report power outages on TV? When was the last time that you went without power? a couple months ago the power cut out and in and out

11. If vegetarians eat vegetables, what do humanitarians eat? Have you ever been or considered to be a vegetarian? yes, I was a lacto-ovo vegetarian for about 8 years

12. If the cops arrest a mime, do they tell him he has the right to remain silent? Tell us about a time when either you were arrested or came close. again... most boring person ever... nothing exciting like that has happened to me

13. Why isn't there mouse-flavored cat food? Have you ever owned a cat? No. I have a cat phobia. But I touched a cat last Saturday.

better late than never...

First week of April means:


I bought the book last week, during BAFAB Week but haven't seen my friend.

thursday bug

Sometimes it helps to share with others what bugs your mind.
They may have a solution, a kind word, or a smile of encouragement.
This week my thursday bug is:

Getting/having a piece of food stuck in my teeth, when floss isn't available.